AngelFromHel Level 140, Chinese , WaR_Lords


  • Level : 140
  • Strength : 576
  • Intellect : 159
  • Gold : 163.670.178.1
  • Inventory Size : 109
  • Job :
  • Job Name : Silent_h
  • Job Level : 16
  • Item Points : 3901

Item Informations


Sort of item: Blade

There is no words for this image

Required level 140

Max. no. of magic options: 9 Unit

Durability 200% Increase
PoisoningHour 100% Reduce
Attack rate 60% Increase
Int 8 Increase
Lucky( 6 Time/times)
Steady( 6 Time/times)
Str 8 Increase

Sort of item: Shield
Degree: 15 degrees

Phy. def. pwr. 1,448.9 (+100%)
Mag. def. pwr. 2,317.2 (+100%)
Durability 372/139 (+100%)
Blocking rate 25 (+100%)
Phy. reinforce 91.4 (+100%)
Mag. reinforce 153.6 (+100%)

Required level 140

Max. no. of magic options: 9 Unit

Durability 200% Increase
Int 8 Increase
Critical 100
Lucky( 6 Time/times)
Steady( 6 Time/times)
Str 8 Increase

Advanced elixir is in effect [+10]

Seal of Sun
Sort of item: Armor
Mounting Part: Head

Degree: 15 degrees

Phy. def. pwr. 1,387.7 (+100%)
Mag. def. pwr. 1,819.3 (+100%)
Durability 410/146 (+100%)
Parry rate 68.0 (+100%)
Phy. reinforce 87.2 (+100%)
Mag. reinforce 114.1 (+100%)

Required level 140

Max. no. of magic options: 9 Unit

Durability 200% Increase
Parry rate 60% Increase
HP 164 Increase
Int 8 Increase
MP 164 Increase
Str 8 Increase
Steady( 6 Time/times)
Lucky( 6 Time/times)

Advanced elixir is in effect [+10]

Seal of Sun
Sort of item: Armor
Mounting Part: Shoulder

Degree: 15 degrees

Phy. def. pwr. 1,114.4 (+100%)
Mag. def. pwr. 1,458.5 (+100%)
Durability 414/145 (+100%)
Parry rate 59.0 (+100%)
Phy. reinforce 70.4 (+100%)
Mag. reinforce 92.1 (+100%)

Required level 140

Max. no. of magic options: 9 Unit

Durability 200% Increase
Parry rate 60% Increase
Int 8 Increase
Lucky( 6 Time/times)
Str 8 Increase
Steady( 6 Time/times)

Advanced elixir is in effect [+10]

Seal of Sun
Sort of item: Armor
Mounting Part: Chest

Degree: 15 degrees

Phy. def. pwr. 1,843.9 (+100%)
Mag. def. pwr. 2,413.3 (+100%)
Durability 405/146 (+100%)
Parry rate 84.0 (+100%)
Phy. reinforce 115.1 (+100%)
Mag. reinforce 150.6 (+100%)

Required level 140

Max. no. of magic options: 9 Unit

Durability 200% Increase
Parry rate 60% Increase
HP 164 Increase
Int 8 Increase
MP 164 Increase
Str 8 Increase
Steady( 6 Time/times)
Lucky( 6 Time/times)

Advanced elixir is in effect [+10]

Seal of Sun
Sort of item: Armor
Mounting Part: Hands

Degree: 15 degrees

Phy. def. pwr. 1,036.0 (+100%)
Mag. def. pwr. 1,354.5 (+100%)
Durability 402/145 (+100%)
Parry rate 56.0 (+100%)
Phy. reinforce 65.4 (+100%)
Mag. reinforce 85.6 (+100%)

Required level 140

Max. no. of magic options: 9 Unit

Durability 200% Increase
Parry rate 60% Increase
Int 8 Increase
Lucky( 6 Time/times)
Str 8 Increase
Steady( 6 Time/times)

Advanced elixir is in effect [+10]

Seal of Sun
Sort of item: Armor
Mounting Part: Legs

Degree: 15 degrees

Phy. def. pwr. 1,509.6 (+100%)
Mag. def. pwr. 1,976.2 (+100%)
Durability 405/146 (+100%)
Parry rate 71.0 (+100%)
Phy. reinforce 94.2 (+100%)
Mag. reinforce 123.3 (+100%)

Required level 140

Max. no. of magic options: 9 Unit

Durability 200% Increase
Parry rate 60% Increase
HP 164 Increase
Int 8 Increase
MP 164 Increase
Str 8 Increase
Steady( 6 Time/times)
Lucky( 6 Time/times)

Advanced elixir is in effect [+10]

Seal of Sun
Sort of item: Armor
Mounting Part: Foot

Degree: 15 degrees

Phy. def. pwr. 1,308.0 (+100%)
Mag. def. pwr. 1,711.0 (+100%)
Durability 420/146 (+100%)
Parry rate 65.0 (+100%)
Phy. reinforce 82.0 (+100%)
Mag. reinforce 107.4 (+100%)

Required level 140

Max. no. of magic options: 9 Unit

Durability 200% Increase
Parry rate 60% Increase
Int 8 Increase
Lucky( 6 Time/times)
Str 8 Increase
Steady( 6 Time/times)

Advanced elixir is in effect [+10]

Seal of Sun
Sort of item: Necklace
Degree: 15 degrees

Phy. absorption 51.9 (+100%)
Mag. absorption 51.9 (+100%)

Required level 140

Max. no. of magic options: 9 Unit

Int 8 Increase
Str 8 Increase
BurnHour 20% Reduce
Electric shockHour 20% Reduce
Freezing,FrostbiteHour 20% Reduce
PoisoningHour 20% Reduce
ZombieHour 20% Reduce

Advanced elixir is in effect [+10]

Seal of Sun
Sort of item: Earring
Degree: 15 degrees

Phy. absorption 44.5 (+100%)
Mag. absorption 44.5 (+100%)

Required level 140

Max. no. of magic options: 9 Unit

Int 8 Increase
Str 8 Increase
BurnHour 20% Reduce
Electric shockHour 20% Reduce
Freezing,FrostbiteHour 20% Reduce
PoisoningHour 20% Reduce
ZombieHour 20% Reduce

Advanced elixir is in effect [+10]

Seal of Sun
Sort of item: Ring
Degree: 15 degrees

Phy. absorption 40.7 (+100%)
Mag. absorption 40.7 (+100%)

Required level 140

Max. no. of magic options: 9 Unit

Int 8 Increase
Str 8 Increase
BurnHour 20% Reduce
Electric shockHour 20% Reduce
Freezing,FrostbiteHour 20% Reduce
PoisoningHour 20% Reduce
ZombieHour 20% Reduce

Advanced elixir is in effect [+10]

Seal of Sun
Sort of item: Ring
Degree: 15 degrees

Phy. absorption 40.7 (+100%)
Mag. absorption 40.7 (+100%)

Required level 140

Max. no. of magic options: 9 Unit

Int 8 Increase
Str 8 Increase
BurnHour 20% Reduce
Electric shockHour 20% Reduce
Freezing,FrostbiteHour 20% Reduce
PoisoningHour 20% Reduce
ZombieHour 20% Reduce

Advanced elixir is in effect [+10]

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